Life has been hectic as usual but I must admit that the boys are getting a lot more fun to be around, even if they are fighting a lot more. Spike has turned a major corner and is most of the time a joy to be around, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED, and Rudy - well he's rude as usual but very sweet and funny. So much better than hanging out with a grumpy old man (Spike) and a drooling baby (Rudy). They are both even starting to eat like normal beings now, and I gotta say - never expected to feel so much joy just because they eat and like something that I have put in front of them. The simple pleasures of motherhood that I am only just discovering.
London has finally turned on a decent summer again. We have worked it out - every 4 years. But thank god, we were desperate - especially seeing I didn't go home this year at all I really needed it. I got all sorts of diseases during the winter because of lack of Vitamin D. Funny spots, coughs, cold, you name it - I had it. Was a long hard winter.
The count down is on for having to say goodbye to all my wonderful friends here - but its also on for saying hello to all the peeps I left behind. I can't wait to be involved again in the lives of my sister and family and old wonderful friends like Chook again. A new phase of life is about to start and I am excited. I hope not to shed too many tears on the flight out of London, the friendships I have made here will last a lifetime I am sure of that - but they will change as well - and that is the loss.
There are some exciting things coming up - going to Switzerland to see Hansine in her glorious mansion, and then 2 weeks later we are off to Majorca for 2 weeks with the Nobles and the Gingers and then 2 weeks after that we will be flying back to Australia - its all happening so quickly. Too quickly.
OK - well nature is calling so I must dash. Will try and post more soon. Love you all x
Woops - sorry it's been a while. Easter has been and gone of course, we went to North Wales, which was a lovely spot. Was quite down the first few days because of the shite weather and the fact that it really didn't look as though I was going to get any sort of break at all. I know it's terrible of me to probably expect one, but even a night out with just Tom would be so lovely. I understand in the end, Toms parents are too frail now to look after rowdy boys, and Toms sis has her hands full already, and Toms brother, well he doesn't have kids so is probably a bit scared of them. Plus we never ask for help so what can we expect? It was a great shame that Toms parents only probably spent about half an hour with the boys (in our company), all together. It being probably the last and first holiday we will ever go on together, in this country anyway. Oh well, I suppose if they didn't even help out at our wedding then I don't know how we can expect any help. I should be used to it by now.
Anyway - as you can see the weather improved tremendously. From wet and windy 1 degree to a sunny, warm high teens. NICE. A lovely time was had by all in the end, but I gotta say we were completely exhausted by the time we got home. There's something that isn't much fun about having the only toddlers around. Much nicer to be able to be around similar aged kids so its not always yours that are being yelled at. I gotta say the boys really loved having their cousins around, and the girls played with them all so nicely. It was really sweet to see them together.
So since...not much else has been happening. Trying to enjoy the nice weather. Went for a possible suicide walk last Saturday, a sheer drop from cliffs that have no fence and no obvious visible sign of being there because the grass drops down to the end. Dogs apparently fall off all the time, am completely surprised that a lot of children haven't gone over as well. Its quite mad. The boys were in a bit of a pooey mood which always ruins it a little, it was quite a long drive there so of course they fell asleep....but were much better on the way home. We couldn't exactly take our eye of them either during the the whole thing was a little stressful. Plus had just about the worst lunch I have ever paid all in all - a nice walk, great views, but not a complete success. Next time we have found nicer pubs to eat at etc.....
Stressing out a little bit about maybe not being able to go to NY because of the flight problems, which would really suck. Am thinking might have to get a contingency plan under way - just in case we can't go! SHOCKER.
The boys are doing ok. I feel like I am getting a better grip on them, just because I am trying to ignore bad behaviour completely and ignore them a bit more. That might sound a little crazy, but Spike has started to get really rude if I don't answer him straight away or if I am not listening to his jibber jabber constantly! Even if I am talking to someone else he tells me off for not listening to him..which is beyond. I have tried telling him that the world does not revolve around him but he doesn't want to listen. Anyway it seems to be working. Rudy is getting cheekier by the day, but there is such an adorable quality about him its hard to get angry at him, even when one should, which is a dangerous trap I know. We still manage to discipline him reasonably well. Tonight he came downstairs out of bed three times, even after he got smacked the second time he still did it a third. Each time he came downstairs with a smile on his face.....crazy kid.
OK - well think thats it from me for now. Sorry to ramble. Tom hasn't been well today - has a lower lung infection which is what I had...wierd he has it he has been on the couch all day, and I have been getting on with my regular Tuesday.
This weekend have Chloes birthday party which should be fun. Last weekend we had Georgies surprise dinner party which was lovely, will post some photos on facebook.
Much love always. Marni x
Apparently the weather is turning crap again, which once again means being either stuck in doors with the boys, enduring wet, freezing playgrounds or hanging out at the ever depressing soft play where there is no natural light. OH LORD! Am sure everyone is getting sick of my winging because even I am. BUT LORD IN HEAVEN....when will this winter end? They are even predicting more snow to come. With any luck we will get snowed into our cottage up in Wales, never to return to this shite hole again! I really hoped the weather was seemed to be, and hopefully the weather man is wrong on this, although oddly enough they are usually right about the rain, just never the exciting things like snow and sunshine. I am wondering what is going to happen to all the plants and flowers - will they have issues with more minus temperatures? Most of them have started to blossom or get their new leaves....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....could it be the first ever summer with no green? Surely not. Anyway - we did manage to have a rather pleasent weekend, although Saturday was a bit of a waste of time. Had a bit of a row with Tom in the morning, pretty much because I was feeling like rubbish, we had no plans and the weather was once again SHITE..... so I ended up leaving the house with Spike following after me in tears (which was pretty heart breaking), we ended up going for a hot chocolate together and then Tom and Rudy joined us at the movies to watch a rather depressing "Where the wild things are". Was a good film, just not very suited to children, of which there were probably about a hundred, they weren't too amused, and quite a few of them were running around the cinema at about half time. I almost found that more interesting to watch. Anyway - we then came home for some lunch, Rudy had a sleep and then we all went off to meet the Gingers at South Bank. Was a bit mental, loads of people, rain etc. We ended up in Ping Pong which was ok, the kids were a bit of a handful, but it was still nice for a change. Not sure it was worth £140 for a kids meal, Bex and I have vowed not to do that anymore, complete waste of money and its hard to relax and enjoy ones self with kids going nuts every few seconds. The highlight of the day had to be Indy on his scooter. The kid is only 1 and a half and he can properly ride a scooter....that boy is the real Indiana Jones....he's such a cutie too. Wonder kid..... so funny to see, was cracking up loads.

Anywhooo - Sunday was a much nicer day, weather wise as well. We met the Nobles in Kew and then Bex and her 3 joined us later. We were missing Frank who had to work (the poor Lad). We had a really nice time. Have a feeling we will be hanging out there for quite a few more weekends. Now it's Monday and am home with both the boys. Went to soft play today after going to buy them each a new toy. Spike chose a dinosaur, (there's a surprise) and Rudy chose Play doh, not really a surprise either. Its been an ok, if dull day for me....terrible. I really need to be a bit more creative and have a bit more definitely struggling at the moment. Bring on the holiday. Yeehah.
A bit of a 70s vibe to this photo (minus the Ben 10 of course)...Sonny isn't giving the bird, he's just waving his hands about. Never a very still boy Sonny - god love him. Spike is pulling his grumpy old man face, and check out his little paunch. Good to see his putting on weight, even if it is on the wrong things. :0)
P.S - Boys slept through last night.....miracles seem to be happening a few more times recently. Spike did wake on the Saturday night though, twice. Ignored him first time and then Tom went in and yelled at him second time, he was making too much noise. He went straight to sleep after that. Not sure it's the right thing to do though, even if it does work. Bex? (not that you're reading this)...
Well definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, not entirely sure why. Perhaps its something to do with the fact that its the weekend and we have no plans, the weather is shite and I REALLY don't want to be stuck in the house for yet another day. Had a fight with Tom this morning, over rubbish as usual, but he pretty much said that I have no regard for the future so much so that I was never bothered to get a career and that is why I can't go back to work now and get a decent enough job that pays enough money to cover child care. Obviously has nothing to do with the fact that my job was in IT, and because Tom got me pregnant so soon after Spike never had the chance to go back to work to keep up with everything hence making it really hard to go back! No - that has NOTHING to do with it....(can you tell I'm still a bit pissed) So...I didn't react so well to that and stormed out of the house, with Spike following in tears which made me feel awful. Somehow we all end up at the movies and we watch one of the most depressing films I've seen in a while, Where the Wild things are....(Warning - not really a movie for young children - quite deep), Tom likened it to one who flew over the Cuckoos nest with a monster twist. I can see what he means.
So now we are home, it is raining and Tom is playing with Spike in front of the television while Rudy sleeps upstairs. We are hoping to meet the Gingers at South Bank later this afternoon.....which should be nice.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh - but why do I feel like this? The amount of pent up frustration and anger makes me feel furious inside. Here I feel like I am trapped, stuck, locked up......and in reality I'm not. The weather is certainly limiting, and London is such a huge urban sprawl that it really seems to have no end apart from the odd whole that exists in places like Richmond park etc, but Lord knows I am so OVER all those places. It's just the same shit every weekend, it's driving me bonkers.
Thank goodness next week we are off for a weeks holiday to Wales with Toms family for Easter - which should be a lot of fun. At least its a change of scenery.....perhaps that's all I need. When was the last time I got out of London? I can't even remember. Oh yeah - Xmas time - Skiing....something like it's high time I get out again. I have a lot of things to look forward too - which I can't wait for.....
Anyway - will stop my winging now - maybe take a 5HTP - that might make me feel better....CHRIST! Desperate. OK signing out on this dreary rubbish Saturday - to be amazingly followed by a dreary rubbish Sunday - there's a frigging surprise.
Over and out. x
My new haircut, not much different, still growing it, god knows why..will end up chopping it anyway am sure, just can't wait for it to be long enough to tie back, now what's that all about??? Think perhaps last ditch effort before I'm too old to have long hair.
Had a lovely day today. Went to the lovely Ems house (pictured above) for a splendid lunch. Had amazing home made soup and salad, was lush. Poor old Spike had no one to play with though - but he was a very good boy as he has been for quite a while now which is a blessing seeing Rudy has stepped up his game. Poor old Rudy - hopefully he stays well for a few weeks now. Jo and Lizzie were there today - always good to see them. Jo is having an interesting time with Mummys boy Arthur, he's just at that really clingy age for boys....most annoying for Jo, but it always good to see her, just a shame she couldn't relax much. Spike sat in the front for the first time today and loved it. In his car seat of course. He's been so brilliant lately, great company and very few spack outs. Tom and I even managed to have a great sleep last night , ignored Spike who actually went back to sleep on his own after about 5 minutes of crying, spoke to Bex this morning and she was just "right - that's it, no going back now....." and she's bloody right - its just pathetic that we are still having sleep issues with him.
Its starting to worry me how often nowadays I wish I were born a Lesbian. Watching a show last night where a lesbian couple had triplet boys, with one of them never actually leaving the hospital still there at 8 months because so unwell, they seemed so strong and so well balanced. It almost seemed like anything the other did was perfect. Of course I kept telling myself it was a television show, but hey - let's face it, how much do we really have in common with men?
The other night some "young" man knocked on our door, Tom answered, he was about to walk away and Tom said..."can I help you?". The guy said he was looking for a "girl" with short black hair that he thought lived at number 18. We are number 20. Tom says "Nope sorry don't know anyone with short black hair". Closes the door. He comes in and I was "well...who was that?" Tom says, "Just some guy looking for a chic with short black hair". Of course I say - "Well I've got short black hair." Toms face barely changes as he says...."Oh do don't you. Well is it short? I dunno if I would call that short." Needless to say I was dumb founded. Now...I really don't think that scenario would happen with another woman...... We are just a little more observant than that. Here's another one for you. Our mate Frank grew just about the biggest beard I have ever known anyone to have, he had it for about 3 months I would say. Tom meets Frank out one night and I was keen to know if he still had his beard. "Actually no - I don't think he did, he must have shaved it off." and I'm like..."What??? He's shaved half a bear of his face and you didn't really notice? You didn't say anything?" He mentioned that he commented on his hair because it looked longer, which I presume it did seeing he no longer had LONGER hair on his face. I mean wow!!! How does that happen? Anyway - that's all the lighter side of wishing I was a lesbian, I could go on and on and on ......perhaps I of these days. Anywhooo a million and one things to do this morning.
Spike and Rudy BOTH slept well last night - another bloody miracle, maybe I need to try the lottery this week. So am feeling dandy today and am off to sweaty, stinky, crowded Bikram yoga at 12. NICE. Well worth it though as long as I don't catch any more lurgies. Chook if your reading this would love to hear the story about your tears though - am sure it will be fixed soon and back in your most capable of hands.
Will try it again tonight and hopefully it will work. Think with this potty training at night right pain when he wakes because you think it might be for the toilet, which of course it rarely is. He can ware a nappy for a bit longer I think, can't do any harm. Rudy slept well all night so hopefully he is back to his usual good sleeping self. Anyway - all very dull, but the most exciting thing today (as displayed in pic above) we are hoping to go on a yurting weekend with 30 girls (have a list of 21 so far) on the 24th of July...have to send out an email. Would be great fun. Spoke to Nits this morning who is sounding good, happy - which is great. She's started a blog which is really now we're all onto it.....
Gave Spike a hair cut this morning - turned out pretty good.....makes him look so much older though, good to see! ;0) Am certainly not one of those mums who will miss the toddler stage....(don't think so anyway) loving almost 4 in Spike, he really is turning into a very funny sweet little kid. A miracle really! I've also had a new haircut - will try and put an image up. Just discovered though that when you add a new image it goes to the top...not great. OK well will sign off here for now. Muchos love. x
P.S - Here is lovely Lizzie with her new little girl Bella. What a sweetie she is. How fab is Lizzie looking??? Losing weight on weight watchers.....
Well what can I say - the little guy has been very sick, he gave me this tummy bug, in fact his probably responsible for all my ailments. Georgie told me today that most mums with 2 year olds attending nursery for the first time are sick a lot....and because I have had two one after another in that sess pit of germs, that that is the reason for why I have been sick so much. I can only hope that this is true.
Anywhoo - like his cousin Lola he ran a high temperature for 3 days which only nurofen could fix, he threw up a lot, mainly on yours truly, and also had some runnies down under. He also had a retching cough which always seems to go hand in hand with a constantly green runny nose. He has lost a lot of weight the poor little guy but is starting to eat again (even if he is still just pushing for treats)....but he did eat a few sandwiches today which was a milestone.
His behaviour has been reflective of his condition. Am thinking he's been sick for a while now...on and off with lots of things like me. So lets just say he's been pretty testing of late. Maybe that's why two year olds are so exhausting, because there not very well most of the time, and its only until they actually have puss or blood shooting out of a part of their body that we really believe they're not that well. Here's hoping he soon makes a full recovery from whatever is turning him into a little monster - am definitely missing my little angel face.
OK - well I am more than happy to announce that Spike has been a dream boat in comparison to his normal usual self. He has been eating, so well in fact that he is looking a little chubby which is too adorable....(hopefully he will stop growing out soon and start growing up)....
He has been pretty shite with his toilet business. Constantly wetting his pants if I don't remind him to go, he has now even started dropping little pebbles on the ground, sticking his finger up his bum and then saying - look - I need a poo! LOVELY! So - a big step backwards from pretty much being well trained. I swear boys are like dogs - they need so much retraining all the time!.... ;0)
He has been sleeping much better - but once again the toilet department is letting him down. Bed wetting is his new thing - and well one can't really blame him from waking up and not being too happy about lying in a puddle of what does one do??? We've tried putting nappies back on him, but miraculously whenever we do that they are never wet, and he doesn't do we keep on doing that? perhaps. Am thinking of buying a plastic sheet - someone I know used to have one when I was a kid and am pretty sure she didn't like having to sleep on it....which may have done the trick. So will try that.
Aside from all that Spike is turning into a very funny little boy, who loves to laugh. He has found a new passion for dancing which quite frankly is hilarious, think he may have some of my talents in that department....he still loves his movies but likes to control them more its not annoying at all.
Hopefully he will learn to use the loo properly like any 3, almost 4 year old can only hope.
OK - this is just for my records.
On the 8th of March diagnosed with a chest infection - went on Antibiotics
on the 18th of March boils appeared on body, coupled with another cough etc, used antibiotic cream on what the doctor thought was impetigo, which it quite clearly wasn't seeing that a) I'm not a child, b) it was not on my face c) it looks nothing like it, definitely more boil like, need to also mention that this same doctor virtually had an argument with me about whether or not I have had my tonsils out, which I think I should know if I had or not.....INCREDIBLE, you can only imagine my leap of faith at this point. OK - onward with the ailments...
on the 20th of March came down with Rudys tummy bug, lucky for me though no vomiting and minimal goings on the other end. Am still recovering in bed...hopefully only a 24 hour thing and i can FINALLY start to feel a bit more normal. I am hoping there will be no more entries with this title again!
It always astounds me how all of a sudden "BOOM" you suddenly realise that your married and a mother of two, living somewhere you never thought you'd live, far away from anyone that meant anything to you. That seems to happen to me everyday. I have to stop and think - how the hell did I get here??? One minute your a young something without a real care in the world....probably more bored than I should have been spending far too much of my energy chasing boys, and then whoosh......its almost like your life flashes before your eyes and then you land in this spot, which on the good days are well good...and on the bad days.....sometimes horrific.
Its hard raising children on your own. I say on my own, but I do do it with my husband Tom, who for the most part is a brilliant father, but I think any mother reading this would know that there is only a certain amount of aid that comes from your "working" partner. Life has done a 360 degree mickey flip on women like me when you become a stay at home mum. It's not just because you're no longer a part of the adult world, and the world around no longer identifies you by who you are but by who your kids are....but more because its so hard to retain your own identity or even remember who you used to be. Perhaps we are just meant to let all of that go, and when you really think about it what does it matter anyway? To be completely honest I'm not too sure I ever really knew who I was or who I wanted to be, which is probably why I ended up having children. At least I would be someone's Mum.....and hey that's something.....
Anyway I won't blab on. I am just hoping that by writing this I can try and bring some similar minded peeps together. I don't really know how this blog thing works, but I am going to use it as a kind of I can keep track of the annoying habits of my two toddlers and my never ending ailments. Am sure its not going to make for brilliant reading.....but hey - this is for me and my sis, and hopefully Chookster more than anyone here goes.
M x