On the Friday we all got up at a hideous 4.15 am, packed up the last few bits and bobs into the cars and then bundled the kids in and set off for a 12 hour drive to Chooks. It was pretty intense. Nits gave me a rest for about an hour but all the rest was up to mua. We managed.....great effort from everyone involved including the kids who were very well behaved, even if they did ask if we were there yet about 15 minutes into the trip. Only 11 hours and 45 minutes left to go kids. At least the drive was long enough for even them to give up asking after a few hours.....THANK GOD! We stopped off for Breaky and Lunch and got there just before it got dark. Fi, Dave, Cindy, Paul and Juan were all there already which was great. A bit crazy to see everyone at Chooks, so used to being there with just us..... We had a nice chilled first night, in fact I was so exhausted I went to bed long before everyone else which must be a first for me....
The next day had to go and pick up Tom from Lismore airport which was about an hour and a halfs drive away...MORE driving - just what I needed. Went a dirt back road which saved us a bit of time..... Was good to see Tom again and get back to Shane's 40th party which was in full swing. Had a massive lamb on the spit (SO YUMMY) people in wigs everywhere..and of course a lot of booze and other things. All the kids were trying to watch movies behind a live band (they still managed). Had a great evening although am starting to think I prefer smaller groups these days. GETTIN OLD! We had another night at Chooks which was very chilled around the giant fire pit, then headed up to Brisbane for a few nights at Nits.
Was fun to just hang with the fam.....went down the coast and stayed with Ant for 2 nights in his amazing new pad...and then made our way back to Sydney. Stopped in Yamba which was sweet and made it home mid afternoon on the Saturday. PHEW....was a great trip all up and definitely makes me feel like I have a lot more places to go than I used to in London. Starting to feel like it's nice to be home even if I am in Sydney.
the view from Ant and Laurens amazing new pad
A parting pic...after Dim Sum...YUM YUM
a storm rolling in at Cape Byron light house.
the little cabin we stayed in in Yamba.
The view you always hope to see when you look into the back seat..... :0)
So now the days are getting colder and shorter....feeling a bit more like I am back in London now.....but still enjoying our new life. Went to the gym 3 times this week, which is amazing for me.....need to lose this flabby gutt before it completely takes over. Gettin old ain't a lot of fun.
Bathtime for the boys. Tom working late as usual but at least I get to watch whatever shite I want after the boys are in bed.
That's it for now...
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