- Try not to worry too much about the ageing process, it happens to us all.
- Get fit again
- Find a new job that I can really sink my teeth into and enjoy
- Make friends with Sydney and new peeps
- Be a better Mum and Wife for my family
and that about sums it all up. Will be interesting to see how I am going on all these things. My first promise to myself is to get my lazy ass out of bed at 7 tomorrow morning and go for my walk. I will feel so much better for it and I am certain Tom must be pretty fed up looking at me snoring every morning. I could make up a million excuses for my behaviour but none of them are good enough. So early night tonight and up at a decent hour for gods sake, and then at least I can fit some exercise into my day.
As for the rest, well I think they will follow when I am feeling better and fitter. We will see.

Had a pretty awkward day today with Spike. That boy sure knows how to push my buttons. He is always a worry for Tom and I. The difference in personalities with Spike and Rudy is immeasurable. Example, I decide to have a bath when Tom gets home. Rudy sees me in the bath (which isn't a normal place for me to be at that time), and says, "Are you having a bath mummy? That's nice....." Spike sees me in the bath and looks at me with a strange look on his face, unsure if it's a look of "What the hell are you doing in the bath....", or a look saying "Oh...you're having a bath"...but he doesn't say anything he just looks for a mo and then walks off..yelling something down the hallway. We just don't seem to get much joy out of Spike. When he's being good he's just not being annoying.....there is nothing very endearing about him at all. He has absolutely no respect for other adults either. We were at the doctors today because he has a bit of a bad cough (turns out it could be pneumonia)....but he was being so obnoxious in the surgery I was completely embarrassed. The doctor was amazing though and actually brought his mood around.....(must have had a lot of experience with grumpy patients)...but in a situation where he is usually good as gold...he was a bloody nightmare. Which for a boy who is rarely as good as gold was quite upsetting for me. Anyway - the doctor was very surprised to see a boy who's lung was so crackly....(a sign of pneumonia)....running around with so much energy and looking so well. I told him I have NEVER seen Spike flat out and floppy like a "normal" child with any kind of illness.....even when he had chicken pox or even this kind of hideous mouth ulcer virus. He sent us home and said if his symptoms change (which he is half expecting) to come back tomorrow and get some antibiotics. We will see. Think he is on the mend anyway.

Rudy had his second day of nursery today which was ok. He had a few tears when I left but was reported to have had a good day. He doesn't cry when I pick him up, which I think is always a better sign if they are ok or not. We all headed to the playground after for some outdoor action.......
Anyway - it's getting late and I am breaking my promise for an early night. Will head to bed now and read a bit more Shantaram......a rocking book..thanks Nits.
Signing out for today and hopefully for not too long.